When you get into a car accident, you are already dealing with stress. Getting hit with another high cost for the repair on top of your deductible makes the situation even worse. Here are a few auto body shop tips: helpful auto body repair tips.
- Know your auto body repair costs. You should know going in that your repair may not be free out of pocket. You’ll have some out of pocket expenses. Just be ready for what comes up.
- Read auto body repair shop review and recommendations. Do your research. Find out who gives you the best repair for your money, and use them.
- Walk on in. Call around, and go visit auto body shops around you. Head in in the early afternoon, after everyone else has come in that morning, and ask about rates and experience.
- Write it down. Make sure that you get a written estimate of your charges and liabilities for the repair. Then make sure that it’s all done at the end before you pay.
- Know your rental rights. Check on what you have to pay if you wreck a rental car. Your insurance should cover damages, but will not always cover them. Know what you are liable for before driving away from the rental place.
- Look for the Gold Class Certification. Gold Class Certification is a way to know that your vehicle is in the best possible hands. Look for the seal on the door.
Five Star Auto Body Shop of Arnold is committed to getting you the best repair for your money. We always push the insurance company to let us use OEM (Original Manufacturer Parts) in our repairs, not just the cheapest parts. We want your vehicle to be factory specifications, and you can’t do that with aftermarket parts. If you are in an accident in St. Louis, Arnold, Oakville, Imperial or Festus, call us at 636-282-5600 or visit www.fivestarautobody.com today. You can also come into the shop at 1756 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, MO or get an estimate online at www.fivestarautobody.com/need-estimate. For more Auto Body Shop Tips, check here weekly!