A St. Louis summer is no joke. While it’s still cool out, Your local Auto Body Shop wants to give you some tips to help you get your car ready for the summer season this Labor Day Weekend. So here are your Auto Body Shop Tips: Ready For Summer.
Start with the radiator. Make sure the radiator is topped off and functioning properly to handle the summer heat. Your radiator keeps your engine cool, so harsh weather can really affect your engine’s performance. Making sure that your vehicle is safe to drive, especially before one of those long family road trips.
Check out your A/C. If your air conditioning is not blowing cold air, you’re in for a loooooong summer. It may be low coolant, or it could be a mechanical issue with your air conditioning system. Make sure that’s working now, before you sweat your skin off in the dog days of summer.
Tires are also a major problem in the heat. You can lose up to a psi per month, and underinflated tires are a serious hazard. Keep them topped off and inflated properly to avoid a blowout. The heat is hard on rubber!
An emergency kit for your car is also a great idea. building out a kit with bottled water, a phone charger, sunscreen, mosquito spray, sunglasses, small fans, towels, and everything that can come up in a summer emergency.
In the St. Louis area, if you’re in a collision, Five Star Auto Body of Arnold, MO is a Gold Star Certified auto body shop, and the best collision repair shop in the area. Let us look at your car today for collision repair, paintless dent repair, and vehicle painting and detailing. Call us at 636-282-5600 or come in to 1756 Jeffco Blvd. in Arnold, MO today. You can also request an estimate at https://fivestarautobody.com/need-estimate/ to start the process for your repair.
Tags: A/C, auto repair
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